LIFE is a bucket full of IRONY.. it's a package DEAL you'd find HARD to COMPLY but even HARDER to DISREGARD.. it's either you DIVE IN and DROWN to be ALIVE.. or HOVER thousands of feet above the ground to DEVASTATATION.. it is INCOMPREHENSIBLE and INTOLERABLE.. but it GIVES you a COURSE to UNDERSTAND and ENDURE life..

--sUch a woRk oF aRt--
vaGue oR iRoniC?
- -- / leo / --
- ..i'm an outgoing but exclusive person..i like sticking to a single perspective but i often think twice..i love to share but i keep things to myself..i like expressing my thoughts but i make myself unheard..i am sensitive but i care less to what others may say..i like it when people turn to me but i deprive myself from running to them..i love life but i make it complicated..
Friday, December 22, 2006
-- stiLL iN gRief --
Sunday, December 17, 2006
tHe kiSs tHat wAs..
have you ever had a kiss
that took you on a bliss
and left you with shaking knees
the one you'd not dare miss
lose a grip, never a bit
Saturday, December 16, 2006
wit [part2]
Acquiring lots of information or ideas is one thing, acting it out is another.
I say "there's a gold in that box". How would you know there really is if you're eyes will not see it? You say you're beautiful but I wouldn't believe you because my eyes don't deceive me.(--,) How much we know about certain things or even all the things will never be enough if we lose one thing -- CONFIDENCE! Being knowledgeable at all means is good but sometimes acting it out is important.
How can you convince someone to believe you when you yourself don't look like you believe what you are saying? How will you be effective if no one could feel the consistency in you? And how will your ideas be known if you don't have the courage to voice it all out?Having confidence doesn't mean you have to boast about the brains you have. It doesn't imply that you have to take yourself higher than those behind you. It means that you should carry yourself with respect, certainty, and consistency.
Friday, December 15, 2006
*what might have been*
It is better to love and get hurt than save yourself from the hurt and never know what might have been...
saVe yOu
[date created--09/09/06]
Thursday, December 14, 2006
--daRe tO caRe--
"dO tHe thiNgs tHat yOu caN whiLe yOu aRe stiLL abLe.. beCausE whEn yOur faCe wRinkLed aNd yOur kneEs gRew wEak.. yOu wiLL fiNd yOurseLf veRy upsEt foR theRe wiLL bE Loss oF mOst oF yOur abiLitiEs.. aNd yOu wiLL haVe tO wiSh foR tHe sTrenGth tO cOme baCk.."
We all love being young. Those who passed half their lives always love reminscing their good old days. Those who are on their youth are trying to enjoy every minute of it. We all believe in the saying --"Live the day as if it is your last." We always strive to do all the things we want and aspire to do. But, are all the things we do necessary and will contribute to make us a better person? Are we doing those things to nurture or just for pleasure? It is true that we have to make our best out of anything but, in every little thing we do, we should always ask if we are doing things that is of essential to life? Are we not letting any opportunity slip our hands? Are we not neglecting important things that we should be doing? These are just some of the questions needed to be asked in our everday journey. Every single step we take mirrors every single decission we make. We are all liable not only with the things we did but as well as with the things we did not do. Time is of the essence and with the right thinking, we'd be able to do the things we need and with this, we will be able to avoid having regrets in the future for not doing the things we should and could have done.